Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Good time to visit South Africa

We are experiencing very hot weather in especially the interior of the country. The coastal areas are slightly cooler at the moment. Great time to visit South Africa. Our currency, the Rand has dropped significantly against other currencies. This makes South Africa a cheap destination to visit at this point in time. For example the Rand is at R10, 30 mark to the US Dollar and R13,00 to the Euro at the moment. Our currency has even seen a decline against other currencies such as the Singaporean and Hong Kong Dollar. Our weather is fantastic in December, January through to April. So, excellent time to visit. Fantastic and varied scenery across the country from our beautiful beaches, to mountains, game reserves, but also modern cities with fantastic shopping malls.

The gay scene is also very active especially in the major cities, such as Johannesburg, Cape Town, Pretoria and Durban. Cities such as Port Elizabeth, East London and Bloemfontein also have gay venues but on a much smaller scale.

South Africans are generally very friendly and welcoming to visitors.

Personally I am looking forward to the December holidays myself. Will be travelling to Hong Kong, the Philippines and Bangkok. I am going to try my best to keep you posted on my travels and experiences in these places as well.


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